
Showing posts from 2011

my current fascinations

I’m sure most of you know that the final installment of Harry Potter was released this past Friday and if you didn’t know, then it’s probably time you stopped living under that little rock of yours. I was able to see it twice the night it came out and I will admit that I sobbed uncontrollably for the last half of the movie. I thought that I would be prepared to finally let it go and move on after it all ended, but I just can’t do it. I spent most of yesterday watching YouTube videos involving featurettes and behind the scenes stuff and reading character bios on the Harry Potter Wiki page. I already want to see it again and bawl my eyes out like the sap that I am. Eventually I’d like to read through all of the books again, but I have way too many books on my list as it is. For years, I’ve been trekking through the Chronicles of Narnia series and I am determined to finish it one of these days. It’s not that they are difficult to read, they just start out a bit slow and I am easily dist...

so this weekend

Was interesting, to say the least. It was filled so much ridiculousness and absurdity, I can’t even describe it. To start off, I must explain that my mom and her boyfriend had taken a trip to Chicago to spend some time with her siblings so I had the house all to myself…and Tiggher. Calvin spent the weekend at the lake with his family and I knew I would be stuck at home alone with nothing to do, so I decided to make the most of it and put together a massive party/sleepover for a bunch of my friends. Friday night was fairly basic with pizza, channel surfing, and my two friends crashing on the sofa bed. Saturday, however, is a completely different story. It had been brought to my attention that it was my good friend James’ birthday and since all he had planned on doing that day was play video games with his brother, I decided to throw him the most ridiculous party in existence. I went to the store, accompanied by Danielle, Lauren, and Ben, and we bought snacks and soda, balloons and stre...

so it’s been a while

Keeping up a blog was more difficult than I thought. However, I am starting to take writing a bit more seriously so I’m thinking it’d be a good idea to make more of a commitment to this. I recently had a talk with a former English professor at St. Louis University and after looking at some of my work, he told me that I should go talk to someone at UMSL about transferring and becoming an English major. I still haven’t figured out what I could do with that degree, but I’m sure taking classes will help me get a better idea of what I want to do and what I’m capable of doing. I really enjoy creative writing and such, but I’m just not that creative. Hopefully my classes will help me find better ways of brainstorming and finding stories in everyday things. I think from now on I would like to continue my blog with random thoughts and inquiries that come to mind just for kicks. I feel like the people I hang out with now help me come up with more interesting things to think about; they’re quite...