just give them girls on trampolines!
So this weekend, I went to a Ludo concert in Columbia with my brother and sister-in-law. It was on the Mizzou campus, so we were surrounded by all these new college kids and I ended up seeing a few people there from my high school and even someone from one of the Parkway schools. You know you’re from St. Louis when the question about which high school you went to pops up.
The two opening acts were FDR’s Revenge and Without a Face. The first was mostly rock/funk and the second was a guy on an acoustic guitar. They both had tons of energy and their music was really fun to listen to. The second guy had really clever and funny songs like “Lactose Intolerance” and a song about hardcore drugs.
Finally, Ludo came on and just shined with energy. Except for their new songs on their upcoming album, I was happy to discover I knew the words to most of their songs. Their new album Prepare the Preparations is coming out in September and I am definitely buying it, and you should, too. After the show, my brother Ryan and I were able to get their autographs. Ryan bought one of their albums and had them sign the cd, and I had them sign the front of my notebook since that’s all I had. Behold!
I’m quite fond of it. I think it gives my notebook personality. They’re playing again in Columbia October 16th, but alas that’s the weekend of our big family reunion, so I can’t go. I’ll have to check when they’re going to be in St. Louis again. Hopefully by that time, I’ll have learned all the lyrics to all of their songs.
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