so today…

I started a blog, as you can see. A good friend at college told me it was a good way to keep writing and find more things to write about, which is what I want. As much as I love music, I think I would prefer writing as a career. I wanted to go into freelance writing back in high school, but I changed my mind when I got into music and theatre. Now that I’m almost halfway through college, I’m thinking I should try writing again.

I’ve never really considered journalism; I like writing poems and short stories. The problem is that I’m not good at coming up with plots and ideas. I figured the more I wrote and the more I’m taught, I can learn ways to think of great story ideas. I guess we’ll see how that pans out.

Starting out, I can’t promise that this blog will be particularly interesting, but I’ll try my hardest. If I can keep up with frequent Twitter updates, hopefully I should come up with good things to share here.

I’m actually in the process of writing a fan fiction from Harry Potter between Draco Malfoy and one of my characters. I’ve been working on it for a while, only writing random chunks. Now I’m starting to piece them all together and actually write a story, and I’m really excited. I’ll post the link if you’d like to check it out. Let me know if you have any constructive feedback. =]

True Distortion


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